Adaptive Control Tutorial

Petros Ioannou and Barış Fidan


Adaptive control systems are time varying and nonlinear, thus more challenging to analyze and understand than traditional linear time invariant controllers. The stability proofs are often long and technical and possibly distracting to readers who prefer to focus on the design and implementation of adaptive control. For this reason we are placing the extensive and complicated proofs on this Web site so readers interested in the theory of adaptive control can access them.  The inclusion of these proofs makes the book complete in its treatment of adaptive control. 

Also supplementing each chapter are additional examples that use the adaptive control toolbox.  Putting them on this site enables us to further enrich the tutorial nature of the book and keep the book a reasonable length.

P. Ioannou
B. Fidan

Chapter 2: Parametric Models [PDF 191 KB]
Chapter 3: Parameter Identification: Continuous Time [PDF 558 KB]
Chapter 4: Parameter Identification: Discrete Time [PDF 489 KB]
Chapter 5: Continuous-Time Model Reference Adaptive Control [PDF 656 KB]
Chapter 6: Continuous-Time Adaptive Pole Placement Control [PDF 375 KB]
Chapter 7: Adaptive Control for Discrete-Time Systems [PDF 779 KB]
Appendix [PDF 310 KB]

F16 Materials

Read Me [PDF 208KB]
Conditions of Use [PDF 10KB]
Model [PDF 1.68MB]

M-files [Zip 38KB]


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