Numerical Computing with Modern Fortran

Richard J. Hanson and Tim Hopkins

Chapter 7: Case Study: Toward A Modern QUADPACK Routine

Source Code:

  1. in zip format
  2. in gzipped tar format

These are examples of numerical quadrature. The underlying integrator is a version of the routine qag, found in the classic Quadpack program suite. This has been modernized to allow for multiple integrals, vector integrals, and to facilitate importing user data into the integrand evaluation function. The names of the scalar and vector integration routines are generic, qag2003, in all examples.

Each examples uses the module quadpack2003. As a first step, compile set_precision.f90 and then quadpack2003.f90. Have these modules accessible for the compilation of the examples.

There are five driver programs that may be built using the makefile.

Sample output from TestEx1fs

 Integral (PI*J_0(100)) is  =  0.062787

Sample output from TestEx1fv

Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  =  3.141593, with i =    0
Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  =  2.403939, with i =    1
Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  =  0.703374, with i =    2
Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  = -0.816977, with i =    3
Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  = -1.247683, with i =    4
Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  = -0.557937, with i =    5
Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  =  0.473266, with i =    6
Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  =  0.942727, with i =    7
Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  =  0.539257, with i =    8
Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  = -0.283791, with i =    9
Values for i=10,95 are not shown.
Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  =  0.145564, with i =   96
Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  = -0.097875, with i =   97
Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  = -0.249292, with i =   98
Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  = -0.171136, with i =   99
Integral (PI*J_0(i)) is  =  0.062787, with i =  100

Sample output from TestEx2

ALPHA, BETA, MY_PHI(ALPHA,BETA) =  1.000000 1.000000 2.257974

Sample output from TestEx2

 Complex Value of ALPHA =   0.500000  0.000000
 Upper Unit Circle Integral of 1/z**ALPHA is  =
                      -2.000      + I *   2.000
  IER from line integration =            0
 Line integral max. error estimate =   2.2204E-14

Sample Output from extraTests

 Integral (PI*J_0(100)) is  =   6.278740049149326E-002
 Result flag from integration  =            0
 Formula class, evaluations =            6 ,        1525
 Formula class, vector evaluations =            6 ,          25

 A multiple - or double - integral has an exact value that is known.
 This provides a test case for the algorithm.  The base type is
 extended in a similar manner for the case TestEx2.
 Double Integral (4*log(2+sqrt(3)-2*PI/6) is  =    3.17343648530607
 Relative error is  =   0.000000000000000E+000
 Result flag from integration =            0
 Formula class, evaluations =            6 ,          61

 The previous integrand function is modified so that the inner
 integral has variable limits that describe a curved sub-region.
 Double Integral over curved region is  =    2.25797353331653
 Result flag from integration =            0
 Formula class, evaluations =            6 ,          61

 A one-dimensional infinite integral is evaluated.  The
 infinite upper limit is truncated to a finite value.
 Infinite Integral is  =  -0.361689424516046
 Result flag from integration =            0
 Vector evaluations =          173

 A one-dimensional infinite integral is evaluated.
 The infinite upper limit is truncated to a finite value.
 Laplace Transform  =   0.500000000000000
 Result flag from integration =            0

 A vector of one-dimensional infinite integrals is evaluated.
 The infinite upper limit is truncated to a finite value.  An alternate
 error norm is used for the vector result.  A procedure pointer in
 the base type points to a root-mean-square norm, overriding 
 the default max norm.  The evaluation routine returns a matrix
 of function values and the number of these evaluations is printed.  
  Laplace Transform  =   0.500000000000000       0.249999999999998
 Result flag from integration =            0
 Matrix evaluations =            2
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