Thursday, September 21

Computational Complexities in Inverse Problems - Part II of III

2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Center City 2

For description see Part I, MS5; for Part III, see MS25.

Organizers: Joyce R. McLaughlin
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
William Rundell
Texas A&M University, USA
2:00-2:25 Conductivity Reconstruction Using the Mumford-Shah Functional as Regularization
Fadil Santosa and Luca Rondi, University of Minnesota, USA
2:30-2:55 A Level Set Approach for Shape Reconstruction in Electromagnetic Cross-borehole Tomography
Oliver Dorn, Eric Miller, and Carey Rappaport, Northeastern University, USA
3:00-3:25 Direct and Inverse Scattering from Buried Objects
Peter Monk, University of Delaware, USA
3:30-3:55 High Order, Fast, Direct Solver for 2-D Scattering Problem
Yu Chen, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, USA

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Created 6/14/00; Updated 9/6/00