Tuesday, July 14

Random and Asymptotic Methods for Combinatorial Structures

10:30 AM-12:30 PM
Room: Sidney Smith 2110

The speakers in this minisymposium will discuss recent successes with non-discrete methods for investigating the structure of discrete combinatorial objects. Typical of much recent work, they combine classical results from probability and statistics and new ideas on conditioning with clever constructions and tricky asymptotic estimates to settle several open questions about integer and set partitions and the structure of random objects from these classes. For example, Boris Pittel has resolved Wilf's conjecture on graphical partitions and Rod Canfield has established a tight bound on the size of the largest antichain in the set partition lattice.

Organizer: Carla D. Savage
North Carolina State University
10:30 Confirming Two Conjectures About the Integer Partitions
Boris Pittel, Ohio State University
11:00 On the Multiplicity of Parts in a Random Partition
Sylvie Corteel, North Carolina State University; Boris Pittel, Ohio State University; Carla D. Savage, Organizer; and Herbert S. Wilf, University of Pennsylvania
11:30 Maximum Sized Antichains in the Partition Lattice
E. Rodney Canfield, University of Georgia, Athens
12:00 Components of Random Combinatorial Objects
L. Bruce Richmond, University of Waterloo, Canada
Program Program Overview Program-at-a-Glance Program Updates Speaker Index Registration Hotel Transportation

LMH, 2/23/98