Friday, August 11

Recent Applications of Hamiltonian Systems

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Orchard & Pikake (Salon 7 & 8)

The central theme in this minisymposium is new and significant applications of Hamiltonian dynamics to a variety of problems in ideal fluid flows. The problems discussed include finite time Lagrangian mixing, periodic motions of coaxial vortex rings, decomposition of atmospheric weather patterns into the integrable streamlines of point vortex systems on the sphere, and modelling of heat transport in ocean convection by the point vortex discretization of a two- layer quasi-geostrophic model. These topics are relevant to modern scientific and industrial applications.

Organizer: Chjan C. Lim
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA and National University of Singapore, Singapore
10:00-10:25 Breakup and Recurrence of KAM Tori in Nonanalytic Twist Maps
Bambi Hu, Hong Kong Baptist University, China; and University of Houston, USA
10:30-10:55 Leap-frogging Vortex Rings: Hamiltonian Structure, Geometric Phases and Discrete Reduction
Jerrold E. Marsden and Banavara N. Shashikanth, California Institute of Technology
11:00-11:25 Decomposing Atmospheric Weather Patterns Using Integrable Vortex Dynamics
Paul K. Newton, University of Southern California, USA
11:30-11:55 KAM Tori and Heat Transport in Open Ocean Convection
Chjan C. Lim, Organizer

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