Monday, May 24

Numerical Analysis of Contact Problems Involving Friction

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Room: Golden Cliff

NewThe objective of this minisymposium is to present current developments in the area of robust contact algorithms capable of dealing with multibody contact problems. The bodies may be rigid or elastic and some of the systems may involve friction and fragmentation. The minisymposium will feature the formulation and analysis of the proposed methods, as well as their numerical implementation.  Some of the presentations will provide numerical simulations that illustrate the performance of the techniques.

Organizer: Couro Kane
California Institute of Technology

10:00-10:25 Variational Structure/Numerics of Contact Problems
Couro Kane, Organizer
10:30-10:55 Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Contact/Impact in Elastic Multi-Body Systems
Francisco Armero, University of California, Berkeley
11:00-11:25 Symplectic-Energy-Momentum Integrators
Jerrold E. Marsden, California Institute of Technology; Couro Kane, Organizer; and Michael Ortiz, California Institute of Technology
Cancelled 11:30-11:55 Smooth Interpolations for Frictional Contact Problems
Peter Wriggers and Louvre Krostulovic-Opara, Universität Hannover, Germany

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MMD, 4/30/99