Monday, May 24

Mathematical and Computational Issues in Dynamics and Turbulence

3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Room: Ballroom III

The mathematics of rotating and stratified flows, particularly the reduced systems that emerge from asymptotic analyses, have played an important role in developing useful conceptual frameworks, especially in theoretical and numerical calculations. The minisymposium will aim to establish rigorous results on the dynamics of such flows and focus attention on problems that require careful mathematical analysis and numerical algorithms. The speakers in this session will focus on theoretical issues.

Organizers: Basil Nicolaenko and Alex Mahalov
Arizona State University

3:00-3:25 Geometric Approximation Methods in Ocean Modeling
Darryl D. Holm, Los Alamos National Laboratory
3:30-3:55 On the Algebra of the Curl Operator for Euler and Navier- Stokes Equations
Ciprian Foias, Indiana University, Bloomington
4:00-4:25 Fast Singular Oscillating Limits of Stably Stratified Three-Dimensional Euler-Boussinesq Equations
Anatoli Babin, University California, Irvine; Alex Mahalov and Basil Nicolaenko, Organizers
Cancelled 4:30-4:55 Monge-Ampére Equations in Balanced Models
Ian Roulstone, United Kingdom Meteorological Office, Berkshire, United Kingdom
New4:30-4:55 A Mathematical Analysis of Balanced Models
Don Jones, Arizona State University

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