Wednesday, May 26

Dynamics of Scheduling Problems

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Room: Golden Cliff

This minisymposium deals with the dynamics of scheduling and queueing problems, e.g. queueing networks in computer science or scheduling in re-entrant manufacturing systems. Recently, the methods of dynamical systems theory have been applied to these problems which traditionally have been discussed in terms of queueing theory. The dynamics of these problems are at times chaotic; in other cases, can be related to interval exchange maps. Attempts to use control of chaos ideas to optimize have also been made. The speakers will evaluate the dynamical systems methods in this context and discuss their relevance to realistic problems.

Organizers: Ivonne Diaz-Rivera
AT&T Research
Dieter Armbruster
Arizona State University

10:00-10:25 Stability of Queueing and Fluid Reentrant Networks
John Hasenbein, University of Texas, Austin; Jim Dai and John Vande Vate, Georgia Institute of Technology
10:30-10:55 On the Optimal Scheduling for Warehouses
Leonid A. Bunimovich, Georgia Institute of Technology
11:00-11:25 A Dynamical Systems Analysis of a Periodic Client-Server Network
James A. Walsh, Oberlin College; B. Elenbogen, University of Michigan, Dearborn; and G. R. Hall, Boston University
11:30-11:55 Periodic Orbits in Re-Entrant Manufacturing Systems
Dieter Armbruster and Ivonne Diaz-Rivera, Organizers; and Tom Taylor, Arizona State University

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MMD, 2/22/99
LMH, 1/11/99; tjf, 2/4/99