Sunday, May 23

Ergodic Theory of Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Room: Golden Cliff

The ergodic theory of hyperbolic dynamical systems has been fundamental to the understanding of "chaotic" systems and to the development of a rigorous foundation for statistical mechanics. This minisymposium will address recent results for systems that are not uniformly hyperbolic and in particular results on stable ergodicity which have led to the provision of a large class of models that retain strong mixing properties under deterministic perturbation. These models arise naturally in applications with Lie group symmetry.

Organizers: Matthew J. Nicol
UMIST, Manchester, United Kingdom

10:00-10:25 Ergodic Theory of Equivariant Diffeomorphisms
Michael Field, University of Houston
Cancelled 10:30-10:55 Lyapunov Exponents and Partially-Hyperbolic Systems
Amie Wilkinson, Northwestern University
10:30-10:55 NewErgodic Theorem of Almost Hyperbolic Systems
Huyi Hu, Pennsylvania State University
Cancelled 11:00-11:25 Ergodic Properties of a Class of Skew Products
Charles Walkden, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
11:00-11:25 NewDeterministic Central Limit Theorems in Dynamical Systems with Symmetry, and Hypermeander of Spirals
Peter Ashwin, University of Surrey, United Kingdom; Ian Melbourne, University of Houston; and Matthew J. Nicol, Organizer
11:30-11:55 The Dynamics of a Class of Nonuniformly Hyperbolic Attractor of Solenoid Type
Don Wang, University of California, Los Angeles

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MMD, 5/10/99