Tuesday, November 2

Applications of Multiresolution Methods

10:30 AM-12:30 PM
Room: Rio Grande Ballroom

Over the last few years, multiresolution methods have found several applications in computer graphics and modeling. There are now several instances where multiresolution methods provide sympotitical optimal solutions for computer graphics problems. In this minisymposium we focus on multiresolution methods for model description and manipulation. There are essentially two types of algorithms: unstructured (i.e. irregular) mesh hierarchies typically work from fine to coarse and try to find approximations of the original model with fewer and fewer triangles; structured hierarchies use regular 4:1 splits to adaptively approximate the model at a given resolution. Both types of algorithms will be discussed. In particular we will focus on applications such as fast rendering, remeshing, interactive editing, morphing, and filtering.

Organizers: Wim Sweldens
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
Igor Guskov
Princeton University
10:30-10:55 Subdivision and Multiresolution Modeling
Denis Zorin, Courant Institute of Mathematical Science, New York University
11:00-11:25 Multiresolution Surface Parameterization and Applications
Aaron Wai-Fun Lee and David Dobkin, Princeton University; Wim Sweldens, Organizer; and Peter Schröder, California Institute of Technology
11:30-11:55 Simplifying Polygonal Surfaces with Quadric Error Metrics
Michael Garland, Carnegie Mellon University
12:00-12:25 Irregular Subdivision and Signal Processing for Arbitrary Surface Triangulations
Igor Guskov and Wim Sweldens, Organizers; and Peter Schröder, California Institute of Technology

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Created LMH, 5/18/99; Last Updated MMD, 6/15/99