SIAM Conference on Optimization, May 20-22, 2002, Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto, CA

SIAM Short Course on Automatic Differentiation

Sunday, May 19, 2002
Westin Harbour Castel Hotel, Toronto, Canada


Andreas Griewank, Technical University Dresden, Germany
Uwe Naumann, University of Hertfordshire, UK
Andrea Walther, Technical University Dresden, Germany


The solutions of nonlinear continuous optimization problems are always characterized by neccessary conditions involving first and possibly second derivatives of objective and constraint functions. Moreover, most deterministic optimization algorithms for nonlinear problems are based on local Taylor expansions defined in terms of gradients, Jacobians and Hessians. Hence the efficient provision of accurate derivative information has always been a key concern in practical optimization.

The chainrule based technique of automatic differentiation provides first and higher derivatives without incurring any truncation errors. The derivative evaluation cosast can be estimated a priori as a multiple of the cost for evaluating the undifferentiated function(s).

Software for the automatic differentiation of problem functions specified by evaluation programs in Fortran or C has become widely available in the last decade. As an indication of their reliability and convenience we note that these tools have been routinely employed in the optimization server NEOS provided by Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. The possibility to evaluate accurate sensitivities even for very complex computer models facilitates the application of rapidly convergent optimization methods to modern parameter estimation and design optimization problems with very many free variables.

As with all computational methodologies, an understanding of the underlying principles allows the user to select and employ the available software tools safely and efficiently. For large scale applications an appropriate compromise between runtime and memory requirement should be sought.

This course will introduce the basics of AD theory and tools as well as developments dealing with more advanced issues including differentiating iterative and adaptive codes, evaluating higher oder derivatives, and space-time trade-offs.


The main objective of this one day short course is to give participants a detailed overview of AD techniques and tools. In particular, all participants will be enabled to select appropriate modes and to estimate the cost of evaluating all first and second derivatives that are required in various optimization scenarios.

Examples of real-world applications will be used to illustrate the importance of exact derivative information as part of a motivation to start off the day. The principles behind the two basic modes of AD, i.e. the forward and reverse modes, are introduced both from a theoretical and a more implementation-oriented point of view.

The second part of the morning will a practical introduction to AD in the context of source transformation tools illustrated with the aid of ADIFOR, ADIC, and Odyssee. Several important issues specific to source transformation will be discussed. Using some simple examples we show how exact derivative information can be generated efficiently from an existing Fortran or C Code using AD.

After lunch we will turn to the implementation of AD using operator overloading. The basic ideas of this approach are explained. Then, for the same examples as in the morning the automatic differentiation of C- and MATLAB-codes is illustrated by applying ADOL-C and ADMAT/ADMIT. The AD packages used in the two practical sessions were selected as a reasonably representetive sample of the available AD tools.

In a second part of the afternoon we will discuss several possibilities for user assistance to enhance the automatic differentiation of source codes. For example, the detection and exploitation of sparsity and other structure in nonlinear problems has not yet been fully automated. By employing generalizations of the column-grouping techniques familiar from differencing one may evaluate Jacobians with typical sparsity patterns at a small multiple of the cost of evaluating the underlying vector function.

Furthermore, loops representing iterations or evolutions over a large number of (pseudo-)time steps can be differentiated much more efficiently than in a black-box fashion. Finally, methods for computing derivatives of arbitrary order in one or more variables are explained.

We conclude the afternoon with an outlook on future projects in AD software development and on open research questions. The integration of AD functionality into an existing compiler environment is elaborated in some detail. A first approach and preliminary results are presented.


Who Should Attend?

Recommended Background

First year graduate knowledge of calculus, numerics and programming.

Level of Material

Introductory 50%
Intermediate 30%
Advanced 20%



8:00 - 8:45 Introduction and Motivation

8.45 - 10.00 Basics of Automatic Differentiation

10.00 - 10.30 Coffee break

10.30 - 12.00 Automatic Differentiation by Source Transformation: ADIFOR, ADIC, and Odyssee


12.00 - 1:15 Lunch

1:15 - 2:45 Automatic Differentiation by Operator Overloading: ADOL-C and ADMAT/ADMIT

2:45 - 3:15 Coffee break

3:15 - 4:15 Enhancing efficiency through user assistance

4:15 - 4:45 Compiler integration and other developments


Background Reading


Seats are limited. We urge attendees to register in advance. To register, please complete the online Preregistration Form (available shortly) and submit to SIAM. Registration fee for the course includes course notes, coffee breaks, and lunch on Sunday, May 19.


More specific details, regarding location, will be provided soon.

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