Friday, June 5

Seismic Wave Modeling and Its Engineering Applications

3:45 PM-5:45 PM
Room 242

This minisymposium has its focus on mathematical and numerical modeling, computer simulation and engineering applications of seismic wave propagation and scattering analysis in heterogeneous and irregular earth media, soil-structure, or soil-ocean systems. With the fundamentals of classic wave theory and efficient computational methods as prerequisites, the minisymposium aims at a state-of-art presentation of their applications and relevance to engineering seismology, structures, and geotechnical engineering. The scope of the minisymposium will cover, among others, dynamic soil-structure interaction, seismic wave motion synthetics, wave scattering phenomena in a heterogeneous and/or irregular earth medium, and tsunami long wave inundation simulation.

This minisymposium will address engineering applications of seismic wave propagation and scattering in earth medium-related complicated system. Specifically, engineering problems related to earthquake motion, tsunami inundation as well as various civil infra-structural and geotechnical systems under seismic motion will be solved from the wave propagation viewpoint.

Organizers: Ray Ruichong Zhang
Colorado School of Mines
Ronald Y. S. Pak
University of Colorado, Boulder

3:45 Seismic Wave Propagation in Soil-Structure Systems
Erdal Safak, US Geological Survey, Denver
4:15 Analytical Solutions in 1+1 and 2+1 Long Wave Runup
Costas Emmanuel Synolakis, University of Southern California
4:45 Modeling of Site Effects for Earthquake Engineering Equations
Apostolos S. Papageorgiou, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
5:15 On Three-Dimensional Wave Propagation and Scattering in a Heterogeneous/Irregular Medium
Ray Ruichong Zhang and Ronald Y. S. Pak, Organizers

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MMD, 4/9/98