ALENEX23 Accepted Papers | SIAM

Accepted Papers

Visualizer: Accepted Papers

Paper titles and author information appears as submitted.

Paper title and author changes will not be made to this page. The online program will reflect the most up-to-date presentation details, and is scheduled for posting in November.

Optimizing Search Layouts in Packed Memory Arrays
Brian Wheatman, Helen Xu, Randal Burns and Aydın Buluç

PaCHash: Packed and Compressed Hash Tables
Florian Kurpicz, Hans-Peter Lehmann and Peter Sanders

Modified Iterative Quantum Amplitude Estimation is Asymptotically Optimal
Shion Fukuzawa, Christopher Ho, Sandy Irani and Jasen Zion

Parallel and I/O-Efficient Algorithms for Non-Linear Preferential Attachment
Daniel Allendorf, Ulrich Meyer, Manuel Penschuck and Hung Tran

A Dynamic MaxSAT-based Approach to Directed Feedback Vertex Sets
Rafael Kiesel and Andre Schidler

Tailored vertex ordering for faster triangle listing in large graphs
Fabrice Lécuyer, Louis Jachiet, Clémence Magnien and Lionel Tabourier

A Uniform Sampling Procedure for Abstract Triangulations of Surfaces
Rajan Shankar and Jonathan Spreer

Efficiently Computing Directed Minimum Spanning Trees
Maximilian Böther, Otto Kißig and Christopher Weyand

Local Motif Clustering via (Hyper)Graph Partitioning
Adil Chhabra, Marcelo Fonseca Faraj and Christian Schulz

Filtration-Domination in Bifiltered Graphs
Ángel Javier Alonso, Michael Kerber and Siddharth Pritam

Multiway Powersort
William Cawley Gelling, Benjamin Smith, Markus Nebel and Sebastian Wild

LZ77 via Prefix-Free Parsing
Aaron Hong, Massimiliano Rossi and Christina Boucher

A Closer Cut: Computing Near-Optimal Lawn Mowing Tours
Sándor Fekete, Dominik Krupke, Michael Perk, Christian Rieck and Christian Scheffer

SicHash - Small Irregular Cuckoo Tables for Perfect Hashing
Hans-Peter Lehmann, Peter Sanders and Stefan Walzer

Lower Bounds for Sorting 16, 17, and 18 Elements
Florian Stober and Armin Weiss

Lossy Reduction Rules for the Directed Feedback Vertex Set Problem
Timon Behr and Sabine Storandt

Applying Skeletons to Speed Up the Arc-Flags Routing Algorithm
Katrin Casel, Jessica Dierking, Rebekka Dunker, Julian Egbert, Philipp Fischbeck, TobiasFriedrich, Christian Helms, Davis Issac, Ivan Khomutovskiy, Simon Krogmann, PascalLenzner and Finn Schoellkopf