SODA20 Special Events | SIAM

Special Events

ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA20)

Special Events

Featured Minisymposia

Best Student Paper Award

Chasing Convex Bodies Optimally
Mark Sellke, Stanford University, U.S

This paper will be presented on Tuesday, January 7, in SODA Session 7A.

Papers eligible for the Best Student Paper award should indicate their eligibility at the time of submission. There is a box provided for this purpose on the submission server. Note that any paper whose authors are all full-time students at the time of submission is eligible for the award.

Best Paper Award

The Best Paper Award is awarded jointly to the following two papers:
Chasing Convex Bodies Optimally
Mark Sellke, Stanford University, U.S
Chasing Convex Bodies with Linear Competitive Ratio
C.J. Argue and Anupam Gupta, Carnegie Mellon University, U.S.; Guru Guruganesh, Google Research, U.S.; Ziye Tang, Carnegie Mellon University, U.S.

These papers will be presented on Tuesday, January 7, in SODA Session 7A.

The program committee may designate up to three papers accepted to the conference as SODA Best Papers. Submissions authored by PC members are not eligible for this award. Every other submission is automatically eligible for this award.