Volume 53 Issue 05 June 2020

Call for Papers: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Special Section on Mathematical Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Epidemics

The SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) is seeking submissions for a Special Section that amasses contributions at the intersection of the fields of systems and control theory and the mathematical study of epidemic spread processes. Articles can be related to COVID-19, though the journal welcomes general topics associated with epidemic processes as well. Submissions will be accepted from July 1 through October 1, 2020.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical importance and danger of complex epidemic processes. SICON’s Special Section intends to gather recent developments that address the fundamental challenges inherent in the mathematical analysis, estimation, and control of epidemics. Specific topics will include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Mathematical modeling and analysis methods, such as ordinary and partial differential equations as well as deterministic and stochastic systems
  • Closed-loop control design strategies, including triggers for enforcing and relaxing nonpharmaceutical intervention strategies
  • Optimization algorithms for intervention scheduling and resource allocation
  • Computational methods for stochastic simulation
  • Learning methods for early tracking, identification, inference, and data-driven analysis.

All interested authors should submit a manuscript and cover letter in PDF format via SICON’s online submission site. Note the block labeled “Special Section” (just under the “keywords” block on your submission screen). Select “Mathematical Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Epidemics” from the dropdown menu.

Anyone with questions should contact Mitch Chernoff, SIAM’s publications manager, at [email protected], or Brian Fauth, editorial associate, at [email protected]. Questions about content suitability can be directed to Francesco Bullo, guest editor-in-charge, at [email protected].