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My SIAM Journey: A Letter from Pam Cook

My involvement with SIAM began as a graduate student when I attended my first SIAM conference and gave my first SIAM talk. It was an exciting, stressful, and positive experience!

I realized in these initial interactions that I had found my professional home in SIAM. Since then, I became increasingly more involved with the SIAM community and have remained so in many ways throughout my career. I am proud to have started my activity as a member of the Southern California section and from there I later became a member of the SIAM Council, an associate editor and then Editor-in-Chief of SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, a SIAM Fellow, and eventually served as SIAM Secretary, Vice President for Publications, and finally, SIAM President. These leadership opportunities have been incredibly meaningful; they have allowed me to work with and learn from a wonderful staff and a vibrant and enthusiastic membership to inform programs, resources, and the overall direction of our important community.

Make Your Gift

If you benefit personally through your own involvement with SIAM and want to help others benefit too, I urge you to support SIAM programming through an annual gift. You can also support SIAM with financial gifts to its student travel fund, which allows more students to have positive conference experiences; the SIAM prize fund, which ensures continued and additional recognition of our colleagues; and the general fund, which allows SIAM to be flexible and respond quickly to its most urgent needs. Can you contribute $100, $75, $50, or any other amount today? No matter how you choose to get involved and show your support, please know that you are making an impact!

Thank you for your consideration and for the important work you do.


Pam Cook
SIAM Member, Past President, and Fellow