SDM22 Participant Guide
We look forward to your participation at SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM22), being held in virtual format.
Please review the information below, which includes important participation details.
Virtual Platform and Mobile App
All conference registrants have access to the virtual platform powered by Pathable, accessible via a web browser or downloadable mobile app. A list of system requirements for access via web browser or mobile app is available - read now.
All conference registrants will soon receive an email from SIAM with instructions on how to access the Pathable virtual platform. Links to Pathable will also be posted to the conference website. The Pathable mobile app for all 2022 hybrid conferences can be found on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store by searching under “SIAM 2022 Hybrid Conferences.” Users will be able to select the conference from within the app when they receive the email with instructions.
The program is available via SIAM’s online program and on Pathable. All sessions will take place at their scheduled time and can be accessed via the Pathable platform. SIAM’s online program contains the most current scheduling details, while the Pathable agenda will be updated regularly with a delay of up to two hours. Pathable’s virtual platform will adjust to the time zone of the user’s computer. Participants should review SIAM’s online program to determine in which time zone sessions are listed. For SDM22, times listed are Eastern Time (UTC-4).
When interacting with Pathable, access the list of sessions using the “Agenda” option under “Schedule.” After selecting “Agenda,” find the session you are seeking and click on it. A “Join Meeting” button will appear when the session is live, where “This live meeting hasn't started yet” currently appears.
Virtual sessions will launch twenty (20) minutes prior to the session start time for session speakers, session organizers and session chairs. Virtual sessions will launch for all other participants one (1) minute prior to the session start time.
All sessions, except Invited Plenary (IP) Sessions, will be held as Zoom meetings. If you are not acquainted with Zoom, we recommend becoming familiar with the Zoom Meeting format prior to the conference. Please note: If you are Invited Plenary (IP) speaker or session chair, you will be contacted directly with session access instructions.
Need support with the Pathable platform? Click “Need Help? Get Support” from within the Pathable platform homepage from your browser or click “Get Support” from the mobile app flyout menu.
Contributed Session Speakers and Session Chairs (CP), Workshop (WS), Tutorial (MT) and Panelist (PD) Session Organizers and Speakers
If you are a workshop or tutorial organizer, ensure your session participants are provided with the following details.
The virtual platform will recognize participants serving in these participant roles, and these participants will be able to access their sessions twenty (20) minutes prior to the session start time. Follow the instructions above titled “Virtual Platform and Mobile App” for instructions on accessing your session.
Upon entering the session via Pathable, you will be greeted by an audio-visual technician from SIAM’s audio-visual partner, CMI, to assist with setup. Please introduce yourself and indicate in which role you are participating. The CMI technician will assist you with testing audio, video, and screen share capabilities.
If a CMI tech is not immediately available upon entering the Zoom, please remain in the Zoom until the CMI technician enters.
If you encounter technical issues during your session, ask the CMI technician verbally or via the Zoom chat function, or request assistance via the “Need help? Get support” button at the top left of the Pathable homepage if using your browser, or click “Get Support” from the mobile app flyout menu.
Session chairs and Session Organizers are responsible for introducing each speaker and adhering to the posted schedule. It is imperative sessions conclude at the scheduled end time. Session Organizers and Session Chairs should review the online program to review the most up-to-date session information, and when possible, check the pronunciation of each speaker’s name.
If a presenter ends early or is a "no show," use the extra time for questions and comments and refrain from starting the next talk early. Simply break during the vacated timeslot and resume your session with the next scheduled presentation. Please email [email protected] with any undocumented cancellations or replacement speakers.
To avoid potential login issues when accessing the virtual conference platform, and to ensure all conference-related correspondence is directed to the same email address, conference participants should ensure the email address in SIAM’s Conference Management System matches the email address associated with your main SIAM account.
Poster Presenters
Doctoral Forum Poster participants can upload their poster files as soon as they register and have access to Pathable’s virtual platform. Posters should be uploaded prior to the Doctoral Forum Poster Session on Friday, April 29 at 6:00 p.m. EST.
To upload your poster, click on “Poster Sessions” in the top right of the platform’s navigation bar and scroll down to find your poster title. Click on the box to enter your poster booth, click “Manage” in the top right then “Files” in the tabs that are displayed. Using the “ADD NEW FILE” button you will be able to add files for your booth.
We recommend PDF format for the poster itself. Presenters may also upload supporting documents and recorded video walkthroughs in MP4 format.
Posters uploaded to the virtual platform will be available throughout the conference, and participants are encouraged to set up private meetings through the virtual platform to discuss the poster.
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