Wednesday, May 12

Geometric Methods in Control

4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Room: Atlanta 1

Differential geometric methods have been used in control theory since the 1960's. This research area has reached a mature state with the publication of several outstanding textbooks and conference proceedings in the subject. Moreover, the relationship between differential geometry and control theory has become a two-way avenue, with control theory using geometry as a tool and as a source for applications, and with geometry benefiting from the results and techniques developed by control theorists. The speakers in this minisymposium will present some of the recent research results in the area, and the central theme is that of control systems on Lie groups.

Organizer: Guillermo Ferreyra
Louisiana State University

4:00-4:25 Centro-Affine Curve Theory in Nonlinear Scalar Control
George R. Wilkens, Jr., University of Hawaii
4:30-4:55 Planar Centro-Affine Elastica
Angel L. Cruz Delgado, Louisiana State University
5:00-5:25 Asymptotic Behavior of Control Systems Related to Lie Groups
Jimmie Lawson, Louisiana State University
5:30-5:55 Characterization of Optimal Trajectories of Control Systems on Lie Groups of Dimension Three
Guoqing Tang, North Carolina A&T State University

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LMH, 1/18/99, MMD, 1/26/98