SIAM Conference on Applied Mathematics Education (ED24)
About the Conference
This is the conference of the SIAM Activity Group on Applied Mathematics Education.

The SIAM Conference on Applied Mathematics Education (ED24) is being held jointly with:
SIAM Annual Meeting (AN24)
SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics (DM24)
This is the conference of the SIAM Activity Group on Applied Mathematics Education. Our purpose is to advance the development and practice of educational programs, courses, and resources in applied mathematics. This includes but is not limited to facilitating communication, sharing knowledge and resources, and promoting a community for those with similar interests. The constituencies of the SIAG include college and university faculty involved in applied and computational mathematics with a strong interest in educational innovation, practice, improvement, and faculty development; mathematics teacher educators, especially for in-service professional development; developers of technology that facilitate instruction and improve pedagogy; and graduate students in applied mathematical areas with ambitions for careers in academia with a strong education component.
Included Themes
Organizing Committee Co-Chairs
Mario Banuelos
California State University, Fresno, U.S.
Roummel Marcia
University of California, Merced, U.S.
Organizing Committee
Korana Burke
University of California, Davis, U.S.
Ariel Cintron-Arias
East Tennessee State University, U.S.
Keisha Cook
Clemson University, U.S.
Ricardo Cortez
Tulane University, U.S.
Aubrey Kemp
California State University, Bakersfield, U.S.
Brynja Kohler
Utah State University, U.S.
Rachel Levy
North Carolina State University, U.S.
Allison Lewis
Lafayette College, U.S.
Shelley B. Rohde Poole
Metropolitan State University of Denver, U.S.
Josef Sifuentes
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, U.S.
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Funding Agency Support
SIAM and the Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation for its support of this conference.
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