Submission Guidelines
Write for SIAM News
Do you like writing about cutting-edge applied math, computational science, or data science research? Do you have a background in applied mathematical sciences and an interest in scientific writing? Successful SIAM News writers combine a strong mathematical proficiency with the ability to explain technical concepts to our multidisciplinary audience, all the while piquing reader interest in the broad applications of the work in question.
SIAM News has two components: the print newsjournal, which publishes 10 times per year, and SIAM News Online, the corresponding website. Print articles appear both in print and online, while blog articles appear solely on the website. Our readers work in a wide array of areas in applied/computational math and range from students to professors and senior researchers; we thus aim for articles that are largely accessible to all SIAM members, or at least have some components that any reader will find meaningful. It is important to remember that SIAM News is not a journal and articles should not be written as such. SIAM News pieces are much shorter than journal articles and have more of a newsy flavor with a focus on the broader, real-world relevance of the topic at hand.
SIAM News seeks to accentuate the importance of math in everyday life, lay the groundwork for scientific advances and new discoveries, and enable leaders and policymakers to make informed decisions. Do you have information to share that pertains to the following topics?
- Updates on cutting-edge research, developments, novel methods, and applications in applied math, computational science, and data science
- Announcements about events and happenings in the field
- SIAM-related communications, including information about prizes, Fellows, committees, conferences, activity groups, sections, student chapters, membership renewals, journals, and so forth
- Reports on special projects, concerns, and general issues that address public policy, education, professional development, and industrial affairs in applied math, computational science, data science, and related STEM fields
- Insights on broader issues that are relevant to the community on regional, national, or global scales, especially articles that solicit discussion and feedback from readers and SIAM members.
Submit your article, idea, or question to [email protected]. Writing timelines are flexible and authors can usually set their own deadlines, though rough estimates of submission timelines are encouraged.
Target Audience
Both print and online SIAM News articles target SIAM members, non-member mathematicians and computational scientists, and undergraduate and graduate students in applied mathematics and other relevant fields.
Guidelines for SIAM News Articles
- Submissions should be approximately 800-1,400 words in length depending on the type of article; please check with the editors for specifics.
- Articles should be written at a level that is understandable to applied mathematics students and practitioners who might not be familiar with the specific research area in question.
- If possible, articles should include one to three images/photos/graphics along with accompanying captions. Free stock photos and public domain images may be used, and videos can be embedded in online versions. Please include relevant image/video credit in the captions.
- Articles can be co-authored by several individuals, though we respectfully request no more than five authors for the sake of space constraints.
- Articles should be accompanied by a short (one or two sentence) biography of the author(s), along with a headshot of each author if desired.
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