About the Conference
Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Imaging Science.
This conference is being held in cooperation with the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS).
This meeting is being held jointly with the Second Joint SIAM/CAIMS Annual Meeting, SIAM Workshop on Network Science (NS20), and the Canadian Symposium of Fluid Dynamics.
The interdisciplinary field of imaging science is experiencing tremendous growth. New devices capable of imaging objects and structures from nanoscale to the astronomical scale are continuously being developed and improved, and as a result, the reach of science and medicine has been extended in exciting and unexpected ways. The impact of this technology has been to generate new challenges associated with the problems of formation, acquisition, compression, transmission, and analysis of images. By their very nature, these challenges cut across the disciplines of physics, engineering, mathematics, biology, medicine, statistics, and data science. While the primary purpose of this conference is to focus on mathematical issues, the other facets of imaging, such as biomedical, geophysical, and engineering aspects, for example, will also play an important role.
Organizing Committee Co-Chairs
Michael Elad, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Stacey E. Levine, Duquesne University, U.S.
Organizing Committee
Raymond Chan, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Daniel Cremers, Technical University Munich, Germany
Alessandro Foi, Tampere University, Finland
Mario Figueiredo, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Julien Mairal, Inria, France
Peyman Milanfar, Google Research, U.S.
Adrian Nachman, University of Toronto, Canada
Deanna Needell, University of California, Los Angeles, U.S.
Stanley Osher, University of California, Los Angeles, U.S.
Chrysoula Tsogka, University of California, Merced, U.S.
Funding Agency
SIAM and the Conference Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation and DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research for their support of this conference.
Thank You to Our Sponsor
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