SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences (LS18)
About the Conference
Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on the Life Sciences.
The life sciences have become increasingly quantitative as new technologies facilitate collection and analysis of vast amounts of data ranging from complete genomic sequences of organisms to satellite imagery of forest landscapes on continental scales. As a consequence, mathematics and computational science have become crucial technologies for the study of complex models of biological processes.
The SIAM Activity Group on Life Sciences brings together researchers who seek to develop and apply mathematical and computational methods in all areas of the life sciences. This conference of the activity group will provide a cross-disciplinary forum for catalyzing mathematical research relevant to the life sciences. It will facilitate rapid diffusion of new mathematical and computational methods in the life sciences, and may stimulate more researchers to work in these important areas. Mathematicians, life scientists, computational biologists, bioengineers and others interested in mathematical and computational analysis of biological systems are encouraged to attend.
Organizing Committee Co-Chairs
Alla Borisyuk, University of Utah, USA
Samuel Isaacson, Boston University, USA
Organizing Committee
Victoria Booth, University of Michigan, U.S.
Tom Chou, University of California, Los Angeles, U.S.
Peter Kim, University of Sydney, Australia
Doron Levy, University of Maryland, U.S.
Mark Lewis, University of Alberta, Canada
Laura Miller, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, U.S.
Jeffrey Sachs, Merck Research Laboratories, U.S.
Chuan Xue, Ohio State University, U.S.
Shan Zhao, University of Alabama, U.S.
Funding Agency
SIAM and the Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation for their support.
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