General Information
How to Participate
SIAM requests that individuals limit themselves to giving one talk. (This does not apply to invited plenary speakers). The co-chairs of the organizing committee may make exceptions to this request. All submissions are subject to review and final approval by the co-chairs.
You are invited to contribute a presentation in one of the formats listed below.
Acceptance Notification
Authors will be notified by email in March 2025.
Speaker Cancellation
The Organizing Committee expects every speaker in a scheduled presentation to register and attend.
If it becomes necessary for a speaker to cancel a presentation, they should try to find an alternate presenter immediately, preferably a co-author. See SIAM Policy on Substitute Speakers and Remote Presentations. Contact SIAM immediately with any change to a scheduled presentation.
A “no-show” or cancelled presentation can cause serious inconvenience to the attendees and organizers. The committee thanks all speakers in advance for their compliance to this request.
Types of Contributions
All contributions must be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system. There are three types of submissions to ACDA, as follows. We strongly encourage making code and data available as well.
Submission Guidelines
Papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system. There are three types of submissions to ACDA: archival Proceedings Papers, non-archival Extended Abstracts, and Posters. Each accepted submission of archival proceedings papers and non-archival extended abstracts will have an oral presentation.
Archival proceedings papers
Submissions may be up to 12 pages in length, excluding references, and must present original research that is not published or submitted elsewhere. Due dates for submissions are included below. The submissions will be refereed and authors will be provided an opportunity to respond to the reviews. Notification of acceptance or rejection with final camera-ready copy will be provided a few weeks later. Accepted papers will be included in the proceedings published by SIAM. Submissions should use the LaTeX macros which can be found at link below. An author of an accepted proceedings paper will be expected to register and present the paper at the ACDA25 conference.
Authors may, at their option, include an appendix containing proofs, details, or additional experimental results. The appendix will be read by the program committee members at their discretion and will not be included in the proceedings. The main part of the submission should therefore contain a clear technical presentation of the merits of the paper, including a discussion of the paper's significance within the context of prior work and a description of the key technical and conceptual ideas used to achieve its main claims.
All accepted proceedings papers must use the double-column LaTeX macro at the bottom of the following web page:
Double-blind reviewing of archival proceedings papers: ACDA will employ a lightweight double-blind reviewing process for proceedings papers (but not for the other two submission categories). Proceedings submissions should not reveal the identity of the authors in any way. In particular, authors' names, affiliations, and email addresses should not appear at the beginning or in the body of the submission. Authors should ensure that any references to their own related work is in the third person (e.g., not "We build on our previous work ..." but rather "We build on the work of ..."). The purpose of the double-blind reviewing is to help PC members and external reviewers come to an initial judgment about the paper without bias, not to make it impossible for them to discover the authors if they were to try. Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission or makes the job of reviewing the paper more difficult. In particular, important references should not be omitted or anonymized. In addition, authors should feel free to disseminate their ideas or draft versions of their paper as they normally would. For example, authors may post drafts of their papers on the web, submit them to arXiv, and give talks on their research ideas. Authors with further questions on double-blind reviewing are encouraged to contact the PC chairs.
We strongly encourage also making code and data available; please keep in mind the double-blind nature of the review process. We recommend including a link to an anonymized version that makes a 'best-effort' to avoid revealing the identity of the authors (e.g., using Anonymous Github or an anonymous Dropbox/Google Drive folder).
Non-Archival Extended Abstracts
These submissions are 2-page extended abstracts, are not considered for archival publications, and will not appear in the proceedings. The primary criterion for review will be broad interest to the ACDA community. Reviews of extended abstracts will not be double-blind. Authors will be asked to indicate whether they want to be considered for a talk only, considered for a poster only, or considered for either. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection after review. Rejected extended abstracts will be considered for a poster presentation, unless the author specifies "talk only". Submissions should use the LaTeX macros at the web page: An author of an accepted abstract will be expected to register and present at ACDA25. Talks for extended abstracts will be of the same length as talks for proceedings papers.
ACDA seeks to cast a wide net for extended abstracts, emphasizing talks that are closely connected to applications. Abstracts may describe work in progress or work of interest to the ACDA community that is being published archivally elsewhere. An abstract should specify the source of the problem it describes: Is it from a paper in the literature? A newly invented problem? From a project or person (in academia, labs, industry) that will use the results in practice? Will the community have access to real or surrogate data for the problem? ACDA welcomes all abstracts, but there will be a preference for work that is motivated by specific real-world problems. ACDA is particularly interested in descriptions of industrial problems and applications.
A poster submission is in the form of a 2-page (maximum) abstract. Posters are not considered archival, and reviewing of posters will not be double-blind. Authors will be asked to indicate whether they want to be considered for a talk only, considered for a poster only, or considered for either.
Important dates
Abstracts and submission registration (proceeding papers and extended abstracts):
January 27, 2025
Archival proceeding papers and non-archival extended abstracts:
February 3, 2025
Author notifications for archival proceeding papers and non-archival extended abstracts:
March 24, 2025
Submissions of posters:
March 31, 2025
Notification of poster submissions:
April 14, 2025
Camera ready submissions:
April 22, 2025
Acceptance Notification
Authors will be notified by email in March 2025.
Speaker Cancellation
The Organizing Committee expects every speaker in a scheduled presentation to register and attend.
If it becomes necessary for a speaker to cancel a presentation, they should try to find an alternate presenter immediately, preferably a co-author. See SIAM Policy on Substitute Speakers and Remote Presentations. Contact SIAM at [email protected] immediately with any change to a scheduled presentation.
A “no-show” or cancelled presentation can cause serious inconvenience to the attendees and organizers. The committee thanks all speakers in advance for their compliance to this request.
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