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SIAM Conferences

SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS25)



  • The conference will be held at Louisiana State University in the Student Union building, unless otherwise noted in the program.

About the Conference

This is the conference of the SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences

The study of geophysical systems, whether from a scientific or technological perspective, calls for sophisticated mathematical modeling, efficient computational methods, and pervasive integration with data. This conference aims to stimulate the exchange of ideas among geoscientific modelers, applied mathematicians, engineers, and other scientists, having special interests in the range of geophysical domains from the deep subsurface to the atmosphere.

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Included Themes

Mathematical and computational research in geoscience at all scales:

  • Applications to porous media systems, geophysics, reservoir engineering, geologic sequestration, coastal engineering, water resources, and ecology
  • Data assimilation and machine learning
  • Mathematical models and numerical analysis
  • Solvers and scientific computing
  • Uncertainty quantification

Organizing Committee Co-Chairs

Luca Formaggia

Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Chris Kees

Louisiana State University, U.S.

Organizing Committee

Ilenia Battiato

Stanford University, U.S.

Nicola Castelletto

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, U.S.

Eric Chung

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Jonas D. De Basabe

CICESE, Mexico

Bernd Flemisch

University of Stuttgart, Germany

Pierre F. Lermusiaux

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.

Eileen R. Martin

Colorado School of Mines, U.S.

Florin A. Radu

University of Bergen, Norway

Tiina Roose

University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Amik St-Cyr

Shell Global Solutions BV, The Netherlands

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Funding Agency Support

SIAM and the Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation for supporting this conference.

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