Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is established by the SIAM Bylaws. Its role is to select a slate of candidates for the elected SIAM officers, elected members of the Council, and elected members of the Board of Trustees.
Current Members
Ken Hayami, RETIRED
Lalitha Venkataramanan, SLB
Additional Details
Committee Membership
The six members of this committee are chosen by virtue of their office or are chosen by the SIAM Council or Board of Trustees.
The SIAM Bylaws, Article VI, state:
There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of the President, the Past-President or President Elect, whichever is in office, two members of SIAM elected by the Board and two members of SIAM elected by the Council, for terms of two years, with one term expiring each year. This election shall take place at the first meeting of the Council following submission of the current Nominating Committee's report. The election of members by the Board shall take place at the first meeting of the Board following submission of the current Nominating Committee's report. The President shall be the Chair of the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall prepare the slate of elected candidates (other than Vice President for Education, Vice President for Industry, Vice President for Programs, Vice President for Publications, and Treasurer), Members-at-Large of the Council and elected members of the Board of Trustees to fulfill all requirements as set forth in these Bylaws. The number of nominees for all elective offices shall be twice the number of vacancies to be filled, except as otherwise directed by the Council.
Committee Operations and Procedures
The Nominating Committee typically meets by telephone in February to begin its deliberations. The Office of the Chief Executive Officer prepares for the committee a list of suggestions received from the previous ballot and other sources, and makes available membership data for the committee to use.
If the slate of candidates is not completed by the time of the SIAM Annual Meeting, then the committee may meet in person at that meeting to complete the slate.
Once the committee has prepared a slate of candidates (with alternates), the President contacts each individual to invite them to serve.
Once there is a slate of candidates who have expressed their willingness to run for office, the work of the Nominating Committee is complete. The Office of the Chief Executive Officer gathers the information necessary from each candidate and prepares the ballot. Since ballots go out the membership in September, it is important to have all information in and edited by mid-August. This includes statements from each candidate along with a bio in the format used for SIAM ballots.
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