Prize Specifications
Principal Guideline
The SIAG/MPE Prize (henceforth designated as “the Prize”), established in 2019, is awarded biennially by the SIAM Activity Group on Mathematics of Planet Earth (SIAG/MPE) to one individual for significant scientific work in topic areas that are relevant to MPE or for sustained or seminal contributions to the scientific agenda of the SIAG/MPE.
MPE activities incorporate a broad range of disciplines and involve a diverse, international group of researchers. Nominations should reflect the composition of this scientific community and reward excellent work on this broad research agenda. Thus, the scientific record of the candidates should show a history of resolving complex MPE problems through interdisciplinary research, unique synergistic contributions to the field, or sustained or seminal contributions that advance the mathematical and scientific knowledge base of Planet Earth applications. Evidence of these efforts must be cited in the nomination and are of primary importance.
One particular effort, such as a seminal paper, sustained success in training and mentoring junior researchers, or unique synergistic activities must be cited as evidence of the contributions, though an aggregate of such efforts may be discussed in the nomination. Preferably, the effort should have occurred within the ten calendar years preceding the meeting at which the Prize is awarded.
Prize Committee
The Prize Committee shall consist of five members of the SIAG/MPE. All committee members, including the chair, shall be appointed by the SIAM Vice President at Large.
The SIAG Chair, in consultation with the other officers and the SIAG Advisory Board, shall form a list of eligible candidates to serve on the Prize Committee and shall submit the list to the SIAM Vice President at Large (SIAM VP) for approval prior to inviting the committee members to serve. The SIAG officers shall seek to ensure a diverse composition of the Prize Committee in research area, gender, geography, employment sector (industry, national laboratories and other governmental organizations, universities), and under-represented groups. The appointments shall be made at least twelve months in advance of the prize award date.
The term of office of the Prize Committee members shall be from the date of appointment until the date of the prize award.
Rules of Operation
Working in conjunction with the SIAM office, the officers of the SIAG/MPE shall solicit nominations for the prize from the membership of the SIAG/MPE, the general membership of SIAM, and other members of the scientific community. The Prize Committee shall consider any candidate so nominated. Members of the Prize Committee and current officers of the SIAG/MPE are not eligible and cannot be considered as candidates during their term of office.
The prize committee will follow the best practices set out in the SIAM Guidelines for Selection Committees. The prize committee will follow the SIAM rules for conflict of interest as posted in the guidelines.
Selection Procedures
The award may be given to any scientist who has held a PhD or equivalent degree for at least five years. The award may only be received once in a lifetime.
Recommendation of the Prize Committee
The Prize Committee shall select a candidate for the Prize and forward its recommendation to the SIAM VP at least six months prior to the award date. Selection procedures should be consistent with the Guidelines for Selection Committees. The recommendation shall be by committee consensus. The notification must be accompanied by a written justification and a citation not exceeding 25 words that can be used for a certificate and read at award time.
The SIAM VP shall accept or reject the recommendation at least five months prior to the award date. If the recommendation is accepted, the award presentation shall be made according to the procedures outlined below. If the recommendation is rejected, the SIAM VP may ask the Prize Committee to reconsider its recommendation or omit awarding the prize in that award cycle.
The Selection Committee has the authority to choose to abstain from giving the award if there is no acceptable individual. If the award is not given for this reason, a new selection committee will be selected for the next award cycle.[1]
Notification of Award
The Chair of the Prize Committee shall notify the recipient of the award at least four months in advance of the award date. An invitation shall also be extended to the recipient to attend the award ceremony to receive the award.
Description of Award
Award Type
The award consists of a certificate containing the citation, a cash award of $1,000, and an invitation to give a plenary lecture at the biennial meeting of the SIAG/MPE. A prize fund has been endowed to cover the first five awards. Reasonable travel expenses incurred by the lecturer in attending the conference will be reimbursed.
Award Date
The Prize is awarded every second year (starting in 2022) at the biennial SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth.
Award Presentation
The SIAG/MPE Chair and the Chair of the Prize Committee will announce the award at the SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth and present the award to the recipient. The recipient is expected to be present to receive the award.
An announcement of the award recipient shall appear in the SIAM News and on the SIAG/MPE webpage.
[1] An award decision will also be postponed to the next cycle if the number of nominations does not meet the required number to forward to the selection committee. See SIAM Prize Policy for more information.