Volume 53 Issue 10 December 2020

At Last, Our Hindsight is Truly 2020

The generosity of the SIAM community has never been clearer—or more needed—than during the challenges that we have faced together in 2020. Since its incorporation in 1952, SIAM members have led with the vision that applied mathematics and computational science are vital to the advancement of humankind, both through research and solving problems in our society and in business, industry, and government. As we continue to navigate our way through difficult times in the present day, your work has never been more important — and your support of SIAM has never been more crucial.

Charitable donations in 2020 have been impressive, impactful, and inspiring. The dedication of SIAM’s members and friends remains at the very foundation of our community, as evidenced by the numerous members who reliably make annual contributions to support SIAM’s greatest needs. We are also exceedingly grateful for the outpouring of support after the Board’s recent establishment of the James Crowley Endowed Fund for Student Support, which honors the extraordinary career of recently-retired SIAM executive director Jim Crowley.

As we approach the new year prepared to face new realities and challenges, your support remains just as essential to our mission, members, students, and society. SIAM is an organization that is built to tackle both important issues and the complex conditions that encompass them. 2021 also celebrates the beginning of the exciting tenure of Suzanne Weekes as SIAM’s third executive director. It is remarkable to note that despite SIAM’s nearly 70-year history, Dr. Weekes now joins the staff as only the third leader of our organization. Clearly the future is bright.

Mark Twain is frequently credited with the succinct observation that “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” This past year has reminded us that the world suffered through a 1918 influenza pandemic that was in many ways similar to COVID-19. However, the ongoing pandemic threat yet again reiterates the fact that humankind is resilient, robust, and resurgent. In these times of great change and challenge, a profound truth gives us hope: the collective SIAM community has an extraordinary impact on society. SIAM remains a valuable resource to our members through its achievements in education, publications, collegiality, the promotion of research, and more. 2020 has proven that SIAM also provides our members with certainty in uncertain times.

As we look forward to 2021 with enthusiasm, gratitude, hope, and the conviction that SIAM will continue to fulfill our mission, we express thanks to our community. Our conferences, publications, geographic sections, activity groups, networking and collaboration opportunities, prizes and award programs, and student support—including travel, scholarship, and mentorship opportunities—distinguish SIAM from other organizations. While anticipating 2021 and reflecting upon SIAM’s value to your own career, please consider supporting SIAM by making a charitable gift to your society. Gifts can be made at www.SIAM.org/donate. If you prefer, you can of course also mail a check addressed to SIAM at 3600 Market Street, 6th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19104 U.S.

However, if you decide that you would like to speak confidentially about making an impact on the future wellbeing of SIAM and our numerous programs through an estate gift, please email me directly at [email protected]. Gifts that are made through bequests, charitable trusts or annuities, and transfers of real estate or appreciated securities are impactful and important to SIAM and our community. 2020 demanded that we all make countless sacrifices in many different ways; SIAM itself adjusted throughout the course of the year to best ensure that our values, service, and member support remained resilient.

If you appreciate the impact that SIAM’s strategic international initiatives have made to strengthen both your career and the global landscape of applied mathematics and computational science, please make a gift before the close of 2020 to support our work in 2021.

At long last, our hindsight is finally 2020. Yet because of our members and our unyielding commitment to lead, 2021 promises to be a year of renewed success and leadership. On behalf of the SIAM Board, Council, staff, members, and student beneficiaries, thank you for your considered financial support and association.

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