Newest Members of the SIAM Board of Trustees and Council Take Office
Last fall, eligible SIAM members cast their votes in the annual election to select the Society’s newest members of the Board of Trustees and Council. The seven elected and re-elected1 individuals began their three-year terms on January 1, 2025.
The Board manages and oversees SIAM, including its professional and scientific policies and objectives; maintains fiduciary responsibility of the organization by overseeing budgets, funds, investments, and so forth; and retains complete legal control of its assets. The Council—which is chaired by the SIAM president—formulates and reviews SIAM’s scientific polices, monitors its technical activities, puts forth new initiatives, and provides recommendations to the Board as appropriate.
Here, the three newly-elected members of the Board and four newly-elected members of the Council share their reactions and outline their visions for their time in office. Their complete candidate statements are available online.
SIAM Board of Trustees
Alina Chertock (North Carolina State University): “I’m thrilled and honored to have been elected to the SIAM Board of Trustees; thank you to everyone for your trust and support. I’m especially excited to encourage collaborations across fields, support early-career researchers, and make it easier for mathematicians to connect and grow. Together, we’ll advance applied mathematics and positively impact our field.”
Beatrice Riviere* (Rice University): “It is a true privilege and honor to serve SIAM as a member of the Board of Trustees. I look forward to working with the Board and SIAM leadership to promote applied mathematics and interdisciplinary research for tackling societal problems.”
Chi-Wang Shu* (Brown University): “I am honored to be reelected to serve on the SIAM Board of Trustees. SIAM is unique in its position as a vehicle that facilitates the exchange of ideas and promotion of major research directions in mathematics, which can be used in application fields. I look forward to continuing to contribute to the further advancement of SIAM as a platform that encourages collaboration between applied mathematicians and scientists in other disciplines.”

SIAM Council
Inga Berre* (University of Bergen): “SIAM unites diverse scientific communities within applied mathematics and computational science. Considering SIAM’s broad international and intersectoral reach and its pivotal role in shaping the careers of many researchers, I am honored to have been elected for a second term on the SIAM Council. To me, SIAM’s backbone is its platform for research dissemination and communication, which is facilitated by its high-quality journals and conferences. I am eager to further advance these efforts.”
Henry Cohn (Microsoft Research): “I am delighted and grateful to have been elected to the SIAM Council. SIAM has played a key role in applied mathematics since its founding, and its publications, conferences, and other activities are invaluable resources for both its members and the broader scientific community. I look forward to contributing to this important work.”
Evelyn Sander* (George Mason University): “I am excited to serve a second term on the SIAM Council and extremely honored by the trust that members have placed in me. My primary focus for the Council is to make changes within SIAM to help increase representation and inclusion in applied mathematics. Careful work within SIAM can have a large impact for groups that are traditionally underrepresented in the field. Another key item is to make SIAM more attractive to applied mathematicians in industry, thus better representing the entire workforce of applied mathematicians and providing all SIAM members with a great opportunity to learn about exciting industrial breakthroughs.”
Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb* (University of Cambridge): “I am honored and delighted to have been elected to the SIAM Council for a second term. I am passionate about mathematics and its applications and will ensure that the field continues to flourish. Also, encouraging early-career researchers through mentoring, improving diversity within mathematics, and fostering dialogue and exchange within our mathematical community are all topics that are close to my heart and that I will continue to support.”
The continued dedication of SIAM’s leadership and membership contribute to the ongoing success of the Society, and SIAM is deeply grateful to the entire slate of candidates and the members who cast their votes in the recent election. We extend our thanks to all of the candidates for their willingness to serve our community.
1 * indicates an incumbent member
About the Author
Lina Sorg
Managing editor, SIAM News
Lina Sorg is the managing editor of SIAM News.

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