SIAM Announces New 2020 Leadership
SIAM is pleased to announce our new President-Elect, Vice President-at-Large, Secretary, and members of the Board of Trustees and Council. We congratulate these 10 esteemed individuals and thank all of the excellent candidates for their willingness to serve the SIAM community in this capacity.

The President-Elect will serve in this position for one year, as President for the subsequent two years, and as Past-President for the final year. This totals a four-year term.
Susanne C. Brenner, a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Center for Computation & Technology at Louisiana State University, will use her position to solicit input from SIAM membership and work with the outstanding officers and SIAM staff to address challenges and create opportunities. Brenner will strive for best practices in all endeavors towards the SIAM mission of building cooperation between mathematics and the worlds of science and technology.

Vice President-at-Large
The Vice President-at-Large will serve a two-year term and can serve up to three consecutive terms.
Carol S. Woodward, a project leader in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, was re-elected as Vice President-at-Large and will continue to serve on the Council. She will direct her efforts towards helping SIAM tackle challenges by supporting SIAM Activity Groups in developing and maintaining their research communities. Woodward will also encourage stimulated recognition of numerous research fields via the various SIAM Prize and Fellows Programs.

The Secretary will serve a two-year term and can serve up to three consecutive terms.
Susan E. Minkoff, a professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and affiliated professor in the Departments of Geosciences and Science/Mathematics Education at the University of Texas at Dallas, will ensure that the committees she chairs are impactful and as active as possible. She aims to hear from everyone on the committees and inspire members to work towards implementing ideas about which they are passionate.
Board of Trustees
Three SIAM members were elected to the Board for three-year terms. The Board consists of nine elected trustees, up to two appointed trustees, the President, and the Treasurer. Board members can serve a total of three consecutive terms.
Margot Gerritsen, senior associate dean of the School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences at Stanford University, was re-elected to the Board. She will concentrate on ethics, fairness, transparency, and accountability—particularly in relation to computational math and data science—while retaining her main focus on education and diversity.
Randall J. LeVeque, emeritus professor of applied mathematics at the University of Washington, was also re-elected to the Board. He wishes to foster the future of scholarly publication and enhance the impact of the rapidly-changing landscape of SIAM books and journals.
Bonita V. Saunders, a research mathematician in the Applied and Computational Mathematics Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, will use her position to help SIAM expand and continue its legacy by supporting wise decision-making in the control and use of SIAM funds and investments.
Four SIAM members were elected to the Council for three-year terms. The Council consists of 12 elected members, the SIAM officers, and the chair of the Board. Council members can serve up to two consecutive terms.
Heike Faßbender, managing director at the Technische Universität Braunschweig’s Institute of Computational Mathematics, will use her position to strengthen the “I” in SIAM (because industry seems more relevant today than ever before) to open new channels of communication between researchers and potential users of mathematical tools.
Helen Moore, director of applied mathematics at Applied BioMath, was re-elected to the Council. She hopes to proactively address challenges such as decisions about ethical issues, open-access journal policies, and declining journal subscriptions, and focus on emerging platforms for communicating research results.
Valeria Simoncini, a professor of numerical analysis at Università di Bologna, will foster the applied mathematics community’s visibility through publications, conferences, and social media. She will also strongly pursue recent activities in innovative application areas like data science, where new mathematics is being created at incredible speed.
Suzanne L. Weekes, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, ad interim at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, intends to strengthen efforts towards broadening SIAM membership. She believes the SIAM community must work effectively towards a more inclusive, welcoming, and diverse professional society.
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