Texas Tech University Chapter of SIAM Holds Graduate-Level Research Competition
This fall, the Texas Tech University (TTU) Chapter of SIAM organized a series of talks titled “Graduate Student Research Days” (GSRD). GSRD was a two-day research competition that provided graduate students from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics with the opportunity to share results from their ongoing research with peers and faculty members. Students presented their work to a committee composed of three faculty members from the statistics, pure mathematics, and applied mathematics disciplines. Alex Trindade, David Weinberg, and Eugenio Aulisa served as judges for the contest.
GSRD received remarkable interest from both faculty members and graduate students. The event featured oral presentations from 10 graduate students studying various subjects in pure and applied mathematics. The judges evaluated each talk according to six criteria: identification and/or background of research topic, methodology, interpretation of results, clear presentation of material, ability to answer questions, and overall delivery. The top three speakers were awarded monetary prizes, and all presenters received certificates of participation. Given the positive feedback from both students and faculty, the TTU Chapter of SIAM has decided to make the event an annual activity.
— Texas Tech University Chapter of SIAM

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