In This Issue

In this market model, intelligent heterogenous agents trades against each other in a market with latent factors.

Careful calibration of sensors that provide information for a large number of measurands is often difficult to achieve in practice.

Katya Scheinberg describes novel continuous optimization algorithms, which lie at the core of most foundational data science topics.

Kevin Gillette recalls his professional trajectory from a degree in mathematics to various stints in industry.

Madeleine Udell discusses her paper in the first edition of the SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science.

While mathematicians traditionally deduce theorems from axioms, reverse mathematicians do the contrary.

The 2019 Norbert Wiener Prize is awarded to Marsha Berger (New York University) and Arkadi Nemirovski (Georgia Institute of Technology).

The new SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science published its first batch of articles in February!

Weinan E of Princeton University is the 2019 recipient of the Peter Henrici Prize.

Zeev Schuss, professor emeritus of applied mathematics at Tel Aviv University, passed away on July 29, 2018.

Mark Levi examines the science behind opening a bottle of wine by smacking its bottom against a book.
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