In This Issue

The interactions of Bitcoin miners and consequent evolution of wealth inequality comprise a fascinating problem.

In recent years, exciting work at the interface of data-driven and model-based approaches has blended both paradigms.

Suzanne Weekes discusses her career, her new role as executive director, and SIAM's continued growth.

The 2021 SIAM Project NExT Fellowship was recently awarded to two early-career mathematicians.

The newly-elected members of the Board and Council began their tenure on January 1, 2021.

Oana Marin reviews "Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust" by G. Marcus and E. Davis.

SIAM looks to emerge from the pandemic as a stronger society with a revitalized membership.

A SIAM task force helped inform the National Science Foundation's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The authors of "Riemann Problems and Jupyter Solutions" describe the writing process for their interactive text.

Science Policy
Two New SciDAC Institutes Promote Mathematical Tools and Software Technology for High-Performance Computing
Two new multidisciplinary SciDAC institutes will harness supercomputers for scientific discovery.

Becky Kerner describes how SIAM's Marketing and Communications team engaged the community in 2020.

The Extreme-scale Scientific Software Development Kit enables collaboration among many teams of developers.

Kivmars Bowling reflects on the response of SIAM Publications to the unique challenges of 2020.

Mark Levi explores common sources of confusion in deriving the Coriolis acceleration on a rotating platform.
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