In This Issue

One-way flows persist throughout the bird respiration cycle due to a unique topology that contains looped airways.

Moving to accessible robust digital twin implementations at scale requires strong mathematical foundations.

Tayler Fernandes Nuñez discusses her experiences and reflections as the first SIAM EDGE Fellow.

The NIST Big Data Public Working Group aims to develop a secured reference architecture that is vendor-neutral and technology-agnostic.

AN21 Panel Guides Applied Mathematicians Seeking Careers in Business, Industry, and Government
AN21 panelists encouraged attendees to consider different career paths and offered advice to job seekers.

Certain strategies and approaches can facilitate the process of writing and publishing one’s own book.

Mark Levi considers an occupation in which each member is classified as either competent or incompetent.

James Case reviews "Bounded Gaps Between Primes: The Epic Breakthroughs of the Early Twenty-First Century."

An excerpt from "Nonlinear Water Waves with Applications to Wave-Current Interactions" delves into solitary waves.

Journal reviewers add value to the mathematical research enterprise and the associated community.
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