In This Issue

Students and Education
SIAM Session Connects Education and Research at the 2023 Joint Mathematics Meetings
A SIAM session at JMM23 explored strategies to broaden the impact of scientific research across a variety of formats.

A spectral geometry question wonders whether one can infer the shape of a drum based on the sound that it produces.

Derek Kane offers tips and suggestions for mathematics-based job seekers to better promote themselves to companies.

At AN22, a panel of experienced SIAM publication experts offered their insights into journal contributions as authors and reviewers.

For a pipe with a narrowing, will widening the wider portion while maintaining the same excess pressure increase the flow rate?

Ernest Davis reviews Alma Steingart's new book, Axiomatics: Mathematical Thought and High Modernism.

The SIAM Transformation Society will recognize SIAM members who have included SIAM in their estate plans.

The 2022 Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science include several members of the SIAM community.

The 5th Annual Meeting of the SIAM Texas-Louisiana Section had a record-breaking turnout of 348 attendees.

This conference united young researchers in industrial and applied mathematics throughout Ireland and beyond.

The SIAM-Simons Undergraduate Summer Research Program will provide mentorship opportunities to U.S. students.
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