In This Issue

Even a seemingly minor generalization of the standard hypergraph cut penalty yields a rich space of theoretical questions.

Confinement to arbitrary, curved, two-dimensional surfaces brings geometrical complexity to flow simulations.

Mathematical modeling has addressed several key questions related to the dynamic response of insulin secretion.

New machine-learning-based object tracking algorithms address two dynamical problems: walking droplets and granular intruders.

The scheduling process for a SIAM conference was automated for the first time with a set of C++ and Python codes.

Evelyn Boyd Granville, a renowned African American mathematician in the early Space Age, passed away in June.

Paul Nahin reviews Chris Budd's new book, Climate, Chaos and COVID: How Mathematical Models Describe the Universe.

Mark Levi considers the Hamiltonian system for a soap film stretched between two rings with a common axis.

Science Policy
Behind the Lab Coat: A Scientist’s Journey to Influence Science Policy in Washington, D.C.
2023 SIAM Science Policy Fellowship recipient Bashir Mohammed recounts his first experiences with policymaking on the national level.
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