In This Issue

Algebra and geometry have a beautiful relationship with systems biology in the context of certain biochemical reaction networks.

An interdisciplinary collaboration is using machine learning methods to fill knowledge gaps in biodiversity and extinction risk.

Conferences and Events
Film Screening and Discussion at AN24 Focus on the Journeys of Black Mathematicians
An AN24 panel discussed the notable themes of the documentary "Journeys of Black Mathematicians: Forging Resilience."

View a selection of photos from the 2024 SIAM Annual Meeting, including shots of the Prizes and Awards Luncheon.

At AN24, a panel of researchers at various professional stages shared insights into career prospects in academia, industry, and national labs.

Funding Opportunities
Research in Biomathematics: A Guide to Funding from the U.S. Army Research Office
An LS24 workshop focused on funding for biomathematics research through the Army Research Office’s Biomathematics Program.

Obviously, rotating a rigid triangle does not change its area — but interestingly, this fact leads to the Pythagorean theorem.

Ernest Davis reviews "Vector: A Surprising Story of Space, Time, and Mathematical Transformation" by Robyn Arianrhod.

The release of BLIS 2.0 will mark a fundamental shift in its capability to seamlessly enable the extension of BLAS to high-performance operations.

An excerpt from "A Journey Through the History of Numerical Linear Algebra" reviews the history of the Institute for Numerical Analysis.

Students and Education
SIAM-IMA Student Chapters Hold Applied Mathematics Postgraduate Conference at the University of Warwick
The SIAM-IMA Student Chapters at the University of Warwick and University of Oxford organized an engaging three-day event.
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