NS19 Child Care | SIAM

Child Care

ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA25)

Child Care

Grants of $250 per family are available for attendees who wish to bring children with them to the meeting. Attendees are responsible for making their own arrangements for child care. The grants will be given as a reimbursement for expenses. If requests exceed available funding, preference will be given to students and early career attendees who are presenting at the meeting.

If you have questions about the child care grants, please contact SIAM.

Deadline for applications is March 25, 2019. 
Notifications will be sent by April 8, 2019.

Local Recommendations

Local Contact Information

As a service to SIAM attendees, SIAM has made arrangements for in-room child care. All guests who are interested in this service must call the Mountain School at +1-801-947-8222.

**Please remember to mention you are with SIAM in order for Snowbird to gather the correct information.**

The fees are as follows:

Private Babysitting (All Ages)
In-room babysitting for guests staying overnight in one of Snowbird’s lodges.
Three-hour minimum and a max of four children per babysitter.
48 hour advance reservation is required.

1 Child is $24 per hour
2-4 Children is $28 per hour

Guidelines for Reimbursable Child Care Expenses

Guidelines for Reimbursable Child Care Expenses

For information on what is an allowable expense and how reimbursement is handled, see Guidelines for Reimbursement of Child Care Expenses.