UQ24 Invited Presentations | SIAM

Invited Presentations

SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ24)

Invited Presentations

The plenary lectures will be broadcast live to the Oceania AB (Stazione Marittima) and Tergeste (Hotel Savoia Excelsior Palace) Rooms.

Andrew Duncan
Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Statistical Divergences for Functional Data

Robert Gramacy
Virginia Tech, U.S.
A Surrogate Modeling Journey through Gaussian Processes Modeling for Computer Simulation Experiments

Olga Mula
Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Optimal State and Parameter Estimation Algorithms

Houman Owhadi
California Institute of Technology, U.S.
Computational Hypergraph Discovery, a Gaussian Process Framework for Connecting the Dots

Noemi Petra
University of California, Merced, U.S.
Exploiting Low-Dimensional Structure in Bayesian Inverse Problems Governed by Ice Sheet Flow Models

Judith Rousseau
Université Paris Dauphine, France and University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Semi-parametric Inference: A Bayesian Curse?

Tian Zheng
Columbia University, U.S.
Wasserstein Distributional Learning

Please visit the Special Events page for Prize Lecture information.